Terms of Service

While using any of the services provided on/associated with queuegurus.com or the Guardian Development group on behalf of Guardian Development, you understand and agree to the Terms of Service which we have set forth. (the “our services”) meaning any of the guardian development services. (the “you”) or (the ”your”) meaning the person using our service or allowing associated users hereafter referred by as members. (the “member”) or (the “members”) meaning users connected to you to which you provide access to our services. We reserve the right to update and modify the terms of services however and whenever we want without notice. It is your responsibility to keep up to date with the current terms in place at any given time.

For as long as you are in accordance with our terms of service and other rules/policies set forth, users are granted permission to use our services under the following conditions and limitations.


All use of the services must be made with good intentions for both parties. This means all results and processes from our services should not A: Cause harm to any of both parties, B: Break other parties' terms of services, C: Break applicable laws, D: Abuse/create un-approved workarounds for preventative features or limitations set in place to uphold the integrity of our services, E: Used unethically or in an inappropriate/socially unacceptable manner.


Users may use our base services for any purpose (commercial or non-commercial) without credit, provided it fits within the conditions set forth in the previous paragraph. If there is a feature modification request, commercial use must be approved by the web administration. All commercial use of features within services that have been deemed as either ALPHA or BETA must be noted for production use of any services you create. If your use of our service relates to an income of more than $500 USD a year, that use must be approved by the web administrator.


We are not responsible for anything resulting in the use of our services. It is the user’s responsibility to ensure their use of our services is in accordance with any rules or laws which they may interact with or be expected to uphold.


At any point, the user may terminate these terms of service by contacting the web administrator. Use/access to our services is never guaranteed, changes, bugs, outages, or other abnormalities should be excepted.

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