Simple API Documentation

You may use this API as you want without credit, as long as you follow our TOS and these three simple guidelines:
1) Do not spam/make unnecessary requests. We want to keep this API open to everyone, so please make request only as needed.
2) Do not abuse the API. There is an API rate limit (60 requests/minute) which, if exceeded, will give you a error message. Using any method to get around this rate limit is forbidden and will result in a ban. Please email [email protected] if you need a rate limit increase for any reason.
3) Please send any concerns/requests for clarification to [email protected].


Go to Endpoint


displayName: Name of park

parkDataLink: Link to endpoint contianing all of the park's ride stats

parkUrl: Name of park to be used in urls

rides: contains all rides (code: code to be usued in endpoints, displayName: name that is displayed, rideDataLink: link to endpoint for that specific ride.

/api/stats?park={parkUrl}&ride={Ride Code}

Go to Endpoint


stats: Contains all stats for rides

Most stats within the stats section are self-explanatory. For more info on specific stats feel free to reach out to [email protected]


park (required): parkUrl as shown in /api/parks

ride (optional): ride code as shown in /api/parks and for each ride in /api/stats. This will display stats only for selected ride, plus raw data from our database.

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